The produced work guideline goes down the slippery slope of trying to
> define a produced work though the intention of the creator.  This was
> always a highly questionable approach.  Not only because intention in
> general is hard to determine objectively but also because the ODbL does
> not require the creator of a produced work to put any contraints on how
> the produced work is used so the intention of the creator does not have
> any bearing on how users actually use this work.
> If a user misuses a produced work, that is the fault of the user (and
perhaps a breach of the license by the user), not the work producer.
I don't this is a slippery slope, but rather a principled decision. But the
guideline is what it is, and I suppose you could lobby the Board to change
it, but I personally would view such a change as unwise.
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