* Richard Fontana:

> I think the only complication here is that there is currently no
> active contributor to glibc from IBM,

This is not accurate, several people from IBM are regularly contributing
to glibc.  IBM is very active in the GNU toolchain in general, and I
don't see this changing while we use the GNU toolchain to build Fedora.

However, the glibc code in question has no active maintainer, IBM or
otherwise, but this doesn't strike me as particularly relevant to
relicensing (which would not be the appropriate thing to do without
approval from the copyright holder even if there was an active
maintainer).  It matters to a potential full rewrite, but that's
difficult for one of the impacted files because there is no clear
specification what it should do (it's for debugging output).  But as far
as I understand it anyway, the rewrite won't be necessary, so I haven't
explored this approach.

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