Dear Mikrotik

We write in respect of your routers:
CCR series
CRS series
RB1xx series
RB230 series
RB3xx series
RB4xx series
RB5xx series
RB600 series
RB7xx series
RB800 series
RB9xx series
RB1xxx series
RB2011 series
RB Crossroads

and switches:

which are based on, or include, software licensed under GNU GPL 2.0,
a common open source licence - a copy of the licence is available at

As you may be aware, the performance of an act restricted by copyright  
in respect of a copyright work, in the absence of an appropriate  
licence or other permission, infringes the copyright in that work.

As you may be further aware, the terms of the licence, which govern  
the distribution of this software, require you, as distributor, to  
fulfil certain commitments. In particular, a distributor of GNU GPL  
2.0 'd code is required to:

a.) accompany distribution of object code with a copy of the text of  
GNU GPL 2.0, and

b.) where the distribution is by means of a binary version of the  
software (in this case, embedded in the router) either accompany the  
binary distribution with:

         1.) a copy of the source code (e.g. supplying a CD with the  
product, or bundling the source code on any integrated disc); or

         2.) a written offer to give *any* third party a copy of the  
source code, for a charge no greater than your costs of performing  
such distribution (e.g. making the relevant source code available  
online, whether via http, ftp, svn or otherwise).

For the purposes of the licence, "source code" means the complete  
corresponding machine readable source code for all modules it  
contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the  
scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable.

We have been informed that there is no source code accompanying the  
router, nor a written offer.

We would be grateful if you could confirm:
         a.) how we can obtain copies of the source code for the GNU  
GPL 2.0'd code in your product; and
         b.) that you will comply with the terms of the GNU GPL 2.0 in  
respect of your continuing distribution of GNU GPL 2.0'd code.

Kind regards,

Ál Cano Santana
Xarxa Integral de Professionals i Usuàries

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