- iLife '04 BOTH Installation DVD and CD and…
   - The included guide (I believe this was what Apple called a "Drop In" … 
      when they drop in the latest iLife prior to shipping yet after the Macs 
      already had the prior iLife preinstalled)
   - Power Mac G5 Mac OS X Install Disc (includes Mac OS 10.3.7) 
   - PowerBook G4 (15 and 17 inch) (Mac OS 10.3.2, includes Apple hardware 
   test, AND…
      - PowerBook G4 15-inch Getting Started Manual and… 
      - Welcome to Panther manual
      - and the other original manuals and sticker that came packaged with 

$23 shipped anywhere in U.S.

(I'm open to offers or selling separately)
Paypal (fee-free please) or mail a check/mo (hit me back, my PayPal email 
is different) 
Drew Hudgins
Cadiz, KY 42211

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