CORRECTION: Posted earlier, thinking it was a 16 GB model, but it's 32 GB. 
I've adjusted the price accordingly


I got this for a friend, but he wound up needing another one, as he has 
AT&T, and while this should technically work (being the GSM model), it is 
somehow locked to Consumer Cellular, and I couldn't figure out how to 
unlock it so he could use it :/ .

That being said, it's running the latest iOS (11.2.6, as of this posting), 
and is in quite good condition overall, with minimal wear and tear. Battery 
seems OK, but one might want to nevertheless change it out at some point to 
avoid reduced performance (don't know if that affects the 5s or not, but 
better safe than sorry I figure).

$140 plus shipping CONUS will get you the phone, plus a generic, third 
party lightening cable that may or may not work (I will test it before I 
ship). Will also throw in a complimentary case.

Thanks for looking!

Cee Craig
Lafayette, CA 95451

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