FS MacBook5,2  320GB HD 4GB RAM New Apple OEM AC Adapter

This laptop functions exactly as it should.

It just passed TechTool system checks.

The hard drive has four months power on time.

The RAM is brand new.

The battery charges to 95.7% of design capacity and lasts for hours.

The new Apple power adapter is still boxed. See more about it below.

The top case is excellent. No chips. Same for screen bezel.

The screen is bright with no pixel issues.

Lots of photo’s and screen shots here:


The laptop will ship inside a double wall USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate box.

I’m planning to remove the adapter from the Apple factory box so that it 
will fit with the laptop inside the flat rate box. If the buyer wishes to 
receive the adapter still in the factor box I will have to abandon the flat 
rate shipment and use a larger box for the laptop and adapter. That means 
shipping will be more expensive by $15.00. 

I can send a photo of the still shrink-wrapped adapter box next to the 
laptop should the buyer want it for some reason.

Price is $160.00 + $20 shipping flat rate or $35 shipping in a larger box.

Chuck LaFray

La Grande, OR 97850

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