Up for sale is a 13" MacBook Pro.  This is the mid-2012 version and is the last 
with an optical drive.  It has a 2.5Ghz i5 Processor along with 8GB of ram and 
a 240GB Solid State Drive. The ram and hard drive are newly installed and the 
machine was cleaned when it was being upgraded.  The screen is bright and clear 
and there are no dings or dents anywhere on the case.  There are a few small 
scratches on the bottom, but the rest of the case is in great condition.  
Minimal wear on the keyboard and the trackpad, it was used mostly with an 
external keyboard and mouse.  The OS has been freshly installed and updated to 
the latest version. The machine is running macOS Catalina.  All the ports have 
been tested and function properly. No issues with this device.  Asking $485 
Chris StiermanLa Crosse, WI 54601

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