Jela Jovanovic wrote:
>                International Antiimperialist Summercamp
>                          No to Globalisation!
>>>From Seattle to San Vicente Caguсn
>           The Revolt against the Dominion of Injustice is Advancing!
>                 Assisi, Italy, 30th Juli-6th August
>Programme of the Antiimperialist Summercamp
>Sunday, 30th July
>21.00: Opening of the Summer Camp, Presentation of the delegations,
>of greeting
>22.30: Concert
>Monday, 31st July
>Morning, Start 9.30
>З Presentation of the delegation from Yugoslavia (Workers Movement,
>З Meeting of Solidarity Organisations with Yugoslavia
>З Presentation of the delegation from Russia (Oleg Shein, communist member
>of State Duma, Sergey Novikov, Responsible for International Relations of
>the Russian Party of Communists)

As Steve Myers already informed the list, Oleg Shein had to go back to
Russia and all his speeches in Italy and Germany had to be cancelled. This
means he cannot come to Assisi.


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