Louis Proyect:

> What you call consciousness I regard as socialist ideology. In
> point of fact, revolutions generally take place in advance of acceptance
> socialist ideology by the great majority.

I dont think that fact is contested at all.

> The common misconception of
> Marxists idealists is that a decisive majority of a population will become
> committed socialists (more specifically, committed to a particular
> interpretation of the "Russian questions") prior to a revolution. Average
> working people only make revolutions when the old system is seen as
> intolerable.

I think we have to differ here between 'average working people' and the more
advanced sections of the working class.

In my understanding of Lenin the different level of conciousness within the
working class is the main reason for needing a party.

I dont want to speculate much about the 'ifs' in history, but I doubt there
would have been an October uprising without thr previous split of Bolsheviks
and Mensheviks. By the same token I think its the tragedy of the German
revolution that the forces around Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg stayed
too long inside the SPD.


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