The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

Danish soldiers beat prioress of Sokolica Monastery in Mitrovica


Note from Emperor's Clothes: NATO's 'explanation' was they thought the
prioress was an Egyptian woman because such women dress like Orthodox nuns.
Apparently beating Egyptian women is OK...

'Politika' [Yugoslav newspaper]
Kosovska Mitrovica, August 22

The arrogant behavior of members of KFOR and the UNMIK police in the
part of Kosovo during "routine" controls at permanent and temporary
check-points has exceeded all measure in recent days. For three days now
hardly anyone can pass along the main road from Kosovska Mitrovica -
Leposavic by the newly formed checkpoint at the spot called "Kod Simonide"
("At Simonida's"), held by Danish soldiers, without being subjected to
mistreatment, a detailed search and beatings as well. Danish soldiers at
check-point are especially rough toward the clergy. Recently they stopped
prioress of Sokolica Monastery, Mother Dr. Makarija (Obradovic), who was
returning from Kraljevo to the monastery, and forced her to get out of the
automobile by beating her.

"They stopped me and since I could not understand what they were saying, I
answered that I could communicate with them in either Serbian, or in the
English, German, Greek or Slovenian languages and I simply did not
what they were saying. At that moment, one of the soldiers swung his arm and
struck me on the neck. Humiliated, in pain which caused me to see stars in
the middle of the day, I reacted humanly, as any elderly woman would. I
while they searched my automobile," the prioress of Sokolica Monastery, Dr.
Makarija, told us.

An artist herself and a former professer of Byzantine art at the Swedish
Royal Academy, Dr. Makarija was a professor of physical chemistry at the
University of Belgrade prior to taking her vows; for the past ten years, she
has been the head of the one of the most renowned schools of iconography,
besides Krska, which is located inside Sokolica Monastery, seven kilometers
from Kosovska Mitrovica.

Even more ironically, she subsequently received a cynical explanation from
KFOR that the Danish soldiers thought she was an Egyptian woman because
of that country wear black dresses similiar to the robes worn by Christian
Orthodox nuns.

M. L.

[emperor's clothes]

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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