Our comrade Fehriye Erdal is an anti-fascist, anti-imperialist revolutionary. She is struggling for the independence of our homeland and the liberation of our people. While honourably continuing the revolutionary struggle, on September 26, 1999 she was captured by Belgian state forces. Court proceedings established that there was no crime according to Begian law but she was illegally and illegitimately imprisoned until August 16, 2000. The reason for this illegality is that our comrade is an internationalist revolutionary waging a struggle against fascism in Turkey.
From Fehriye Erdal's capture to the present, From the time Fehriye Erdal was taken prisoner to the present, the Belgian government and secret services have carried out all provocations in order to hand our comrade over to the bloody murderers of fascism in Turkey. Her already illegal imprisonment was extended and she was not released. Even the laws of Belgium required that our comrade should be released. But by not doing this they trampled upon their own laws. They tried to explain away this illegality with the pretext of "security". The Belgian government and secret service personally deprived our comrade of the security of her life with their provocational behaviour. Because at the first opportunity fascism in Turkey wants to settle accounts with our comrade by having her surrendered into their bloodstained hands.
In the face of all this, Fehriye Erdal started a hunger strike on July 14, 2000 in protest at the behaviour displayed by the Belgian government.
When their games were frustrated, they had to let our comrade out of prison on August 16, 2000. But there was no end to the provocational behaviour. On the one hand they said our comrade was under "house arrest", while they showed their intentions once again by giving away the address of our comrade which they were supposed to keep secret.
The aim of the Belgian government is clear. Since they could not dare to engage in the openly illegal and illegitimate handing of our comrade over to fascism in Turkey, they are instead creating new provocations. By stating that "we cannot provide security for Fehriye Erdal in Belgium", they are trying to create an atmosphere, which will expedite sending her to a third country. In this way they are making plans to hand her over to the fascist murderers of Turkey via the third country.
It should be known that it is the greatest crime against the peoples of the world and humanity to collaborate with fascism and fascists. The criminal nature of the Belgian government will never be forgotten by their own people in particular and the peoples of Anatolia and the rest of the world.
Belgian government: why are you making such efforts to hand Fehriye over to the fascist murderers? What interests of yours are served by this? What kind of treaty on collaboration lies behind it?
Does the Belgian government have sovereignty in its own country?
Is the Belgian government incompetent in applying the requirements of its own laws?
If the aim of the Belgian government is to spill Fehriye's blood, there is no reason for them to wait. They should massacre Fehriye by themselves. Because this is the effect of what they are doing!
Of course, since you violated your own laws when you were threatened by fascism in Turkey, you wouldn't hesitate to be the hirelings of fascists.
It should be known that no Parti-Cephe supporters are afraid of death threats. On the contrary when you evaluate our history you will see that we have hundreds of martyrs in our decades-long struggle. Fehriye also is one of our comrades who knows how to face death with honour wherever and whenever necessary.
There is no point in prolonging this game any further. Either free our comrade unconditionally, or slaughter her, so that you will win the approval of fascism in Turkey.
- Fehriye Erdal must be immediately and unconditionally released;
- We only demand that the Belgian government abides by the laws of its own country;
- We are not demanding that the Belgian government "protect" our comrade Fehriye Erdal. Fehriye's security will be provided by our comrades in Belgium.
- The Belgian government should abandon the contra-guerrilla provocations.
- The Belgian government should abandon the game of extraditing Fehriye to a third country, which means handing Fehriye over to fascism in Turkey.
The Belgian people not to let their own country's laws and dignity be trampled on for the sake of good relations between the Belgian government and fascism in Turkey. The Belgian people who know fascism well from their own experiences should not accept the dishonour of their own government's collaboration with fascism. It should be known that the freedom or imprisonment of Fehriye is at the same time a matter of whether or not the dignity of the Belgian people will be trampled upon. The Belgian people should not permit this illegality and indignity which their own government is trying to foist on them.
Today, the provocations targeting Fehriye Erdal carried out by the Belgian government in collaboration with fascism in Turkey are also targeting all anti-fascists and anti-imperialists who are for the people, for justice, for democracy and for legitimacy.
Our comrade is continuing a hunger strike which she started on July 14, 2000 against the attacks and provocations targeting herself. We as the captives of the Parti-Cephe from different prisons are starting a hunger strike, which is currently to be of five days' duration, on August 24, 2000 to support our comrade and provide for her unconditional release.
We call upon everyone from Belgium, Europe and the rest of the world to raise the demand for unconditional release of Fehriye Erdal, who committed no "crime" except to carry out a struggle for the independence and freedom of our country from fascism.          
August 24, 2000
Organisation of Captives

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