Mr. Proyect:
Saying that trying to speak (or at least understand) the language of the country 
you live in is a part of progressive consciousness does not mean that everybody 
who speaks the language is a 'progressive' or even revolutionary person 
[all Africans have black hear but not all people with black hair are Africans]. 
At the same time not trying to learn such a language is not progressive even 
with people who on other accounts might be progressive (which by the way is not 
necessarily identical with being militant,or the other way round:being 
combative isnotnecessarily identical with being progressive in all respects. A 
person might be a very militant fighter against the boiss or any other 
oppressor and at the same time be very sexist for instance). What's so difficult 
about this? I sortof blame youz and your cothinkers for your lack of caoability 
to understand such a simple thing but I don't blame you for not answering the 
basic ideas explained in the paragraph quoted by you. It's obviously beyond your 
world view. 
        Therefore I will stop discussion on this subject now since it 
doesn't lead anywhere.

Louis Proyect schrieb:
> Mr. Holberg:
> >And something else: Marxists don't need to adore the working class (no
> matter 
> >what nationality) for what it is (as a class in itself it is mainly
> material for 
> >exploitation).Marxists look to the working class as it can be and as it
> must be 
> >if it wants the liberate itself and by this mankind as a whole. Therefore
> there 
> >is no need to defend every sort of narrowmindedness within the working 
> >class, and if people live in a foreign country for decades and don't hardly 
> >speak a single sentence in that country's language (Johannes: please don't
> deny 
> >that there are people like that!) this is nothing to defend. It's simply
> narrow 
> >minded and in fact reactionary. We should be Marxists, not liberal dogooders 
> >with a bad consciousness. We should tell it like it is. ]
> The only thing reactionary here is the notion that speaking the same
> language is "progressive". The most combative section of the US working
> class today are Latino janitors in Los Angeles and meat-packers in the
> midwest, most of whom speak English either haltingly or not at all.
> Louis Proyect
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