Come on, you can't mean this question seriously. I never said that the 
immigrants shouldn't know their original language (infact even the German 
bourgeoisie makes them learn Turkish at school if they wish so. The idea of 
course is, that they should learn it so as that they can be sent back one fine 
day). I just said that they ought to learn the official lamguage of the country 
they live in. A conscious person even tries to learn some of the language of a 
country he only goes to for vacations. A.H.

Olson schrieb:
> > ________________________________
> > <Therefore there is no need to defend every sort of narrowmindedness
> > within the working class, and if people live in a foreign country for
> > decades and don't hardly speak a single sentence in that country's
> > language (Johannes: please don't deny that there are people like that!)
> > this is nothing to defend. It's simply narrow minded and in fact
> > reactionary. We should be Marxists, not liberal dogooders with a bad
> > consciousness. We should tell it like it is.>
> So that would make the supression of the German language in the USA at the
> time of World War 1 a progressive policy?
> Yours for Victory (Cabbage),
> Craig Olson
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