Though it is sort of late by am still forwarding here a report about the
anti-fascist mobilisation last Saturday in Munich, Germany. The author is
Nick Brauns a journalist for the German left-wing dailies Neues Deutschland
and junge welt, member of the PDS and well known Munich activist. Besides
the report about a successful anti-fascist mobilization it reflects the
peculiar situation of left-wingers when we are witnessing a sort of
'Anti-fascism from above'

Today (this was on Sturday, Sept. 30th) the Nationaldemocratic Party NPD,
the strongest open fascist party in Germany, wanted to have a rally in
Munich and was stopped by
 There are three reasons for the fascist demonstration.
1)The German government is discussing the ban of the NPD while many
fascist attacks all over Germany killed or injured several emigrants in
the last months. Now the NPD wants to show that it is a "democratic"
2) The 10. anniversary of reunifications of Germany is a traditional
nationalist celebration
3)the fascist rally in Munich was a reaction on a big demonstration of
all democratic and antifascist forces with 8000 participants last
tuesday to commemorate the 20. anniversary of a fascists bombing on the
Munich Oktoberfest that killed 12 people on 1980.

There is much talk about neofascism in the German politics and media at
the moment. the red-green government wants the image of an antifascist
government (of course this is only the new mask of imperialism!). the
media reports a lot about fascist terror attacks now. For antifascists
this makes it more easy to appeal on the people to join antifascist

This morning maybe 50 members of the right-conservative Republikaner
party that has an fascist wing, started a small rally in Munich. We had
maybe 15 comrades there and chanted antifascist slogans. The maiorty of
the antifascist arrived later at 1o clock when the NPD started its
demonstration. Several thousand antifascists, among them not only the
tradition communist, anarchist, trotskyist groups but also a mass of
"normal" citicen was waiting on the Munich Marienplatz when several
small groups of fascists arrived. These small groups were just kicked
out by the antifascists. Later the police helped the fascists to have a
very small place for there rally. About fascists started to
have rally pressed on the walls of the city hall. In front of them was a
cahin of police and behind the police all the antifascists. The
thousands of
antifascists shouted slogans, throw egs and vegetables on the nazis.
Only with the help of police the nazis were able to leafe the place
without beeing beaten. I think many of the fascists will think twice
whether they realy dare to demonstrate in Munich again!
In the conservative Bavarian television it was said 15.000 antifascists
have been on the demonstration. I think there was a number of around
2-3000 antifascists. The report in the media shows how the bourgeoise
and the government at the moment try to demonstrate themself as the
headquarter of antifascism. This is a danger for us, but nevertheless it
was a great success that we showed to the nazis that the democrats and
antifascists are the maiority. As in 1997 when 15.000 Munich people
stopped a march of 5000 NPD supporters we proofed that we are able to
stop  them when we have a united front of all left organisations.
Nevertheless 35 antifascists were arrested, some of them were injured by
tear gas. some are still in prison, among them a PDS comrade.

It is correct that the conservative Bavarian television talked about
15.000 antifascists, while we think not more than 3000 have been there.
I have a certain feeling that the antifascists are a part in the dirty
game of the government. The government has some fear of a bad reputation
of Germany and Munich because of fascist violence. Therefore now they
want to show that it is a democratic city.
In the past such nazi demonstrations in Munich were just banned by the
citiy government. But exactly now, when everybody in the country cries
for a ban of NPD the socialdemocratic city government allows the fascist
rally, but the same time socialdemocrats and parts of the city
authorities appeal on the Munich population to demonstrate against the
nazis. they hoped for many people to stop the nazis and now they will
show Munich as a democratic antirascist city again. Therefore our
protests have been a part of the image campain of the government.
I call this the "antifascist trap". The european governments of the "new
middle" with its socialdemocrat-green parties create a new image of
liberal humanitarian imperialism. Last year they bombed Yugoslavia in
the name of human rights. This year they want to proof their image as
progressive with agitation aganst pit bulls and neo nazis (yes, there is
a ban of pit bull dogs in Germany now!). Such a climate makes it more
easy for us to organise antifascist protests, but on the other hand thee
is the danger that we become just the tail of the red-green government.
It is correct to organise a united front only around the antifascist and
antirascist issue. But we as communists must show also an anticapitalist
agitation. There was an opinion poll in East Germany, the former GDR
among the youth. 70 % of them are against the "system". 30% think that
there are two much emigrants in Germany. But also 60 to 70 % of the
youth think that socialism is a good idea. As long as the PDS is in two
regional governments together with SPD and is responsible for job cuts
and closing of social institutions the NPD and other fascists show
themself as the only "real revolutionaries". With antirascism only we
will not stop the young fascists, but only with showing a revolutionary
socialist alternative to the system. Gregor Gysi, well known PDS leader
calls for antifascist alliances even with the conservative Christian
democrats CDU. But in my oppinion in East Germany even alliances with
the SPD, that there exists only as a party of government ministers,
priests and some trade union burocrats might be contraproductive. Of
course the social democrats are not social fascist or something like
that. But in the East you can only win people for antifascists protests
if you also fight the system. In Western Germany this is different. Here
we allways try to get SPD locals into antifascist alliances.
Two days ago, when i came back from Bonn in a train, a young man talked
to me when he looks at my Che Guevara button. He told me he likes Che
very much and he also knows the exact date of Ches death. He likes Che
as a fighter for national liberation and a fighter against the Yankees.
This young man also told me, that he wanted to go to Prague to fight the
capitalist system, globalisation and the USA. In Germany, he says we
need communism, a "National Communism", a he explained than. This young
man was a member of a revolutionary plattform in the fascist NPD.

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