Just Yesterday the website of "Radio Yugoslavia" was the voice of the
SPS/JUL ruling parties. On the website you could hear broadcasts in as many
as 8 different languages. Today, like the media, it has been taken over by
the "freedom fighters" of Kostunica. Now, like everywhere in the world, it
has retreated back to only broadcasting in serbian and English. That will be
the3 fate of the entire country in "Neo-liberal" Europe. You don't get away
with promoting other languages, just English and whatever local one you need
to do your market shopping. It is a stark testament: You could hear their
broadcasts in German, Russian, Albanian, Czech, etc... and now it is only
english. Because English is the language of reform, the language of
commerce. Multi-lingual is the language(s) of the  remnants of socialism.



Macdonald Stainsby.

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