------------------UNITED STATES: George Bush junior takes over

George Walker ("Dubya") Bush will be inaugurated as the United States of America's
43rd president on January 20. Even before he sets foot in the White House, vast
numbers of Americans are already convinced that Bush has no legitimate right to be
there. So determined was the ruling capitalist class to install a government prepared
to intensify and broaden the attacks on the poor and working class, within the US and
around the world, that only the barest formalities of democracy were adhered to.

The facts speak for themselves: only 50% of eligible US voters participated in the
November 7 presidential election; Bush won a minority of the votes cast and was
outpolled by his Democrat opponent Al Gore by more than 500,000 votes; the evidence
is overwhelming that Bush's "victory" by 537 votes in Florida (which gained the
Republicans the electoral college votes needed to take the Oval Office) was gained by
widespread vote-rigging and the systematic racist disenfranchisement of hundreds of
thousands of African-American, Hispanic and elderly voters; Bush's Florida "win" was
only secured by the openly partisan decision by the right-wing activist majority of
the Supreme Court to block vote recounts that would have overturned the result and
delivered the White House to Gore.



Macdonald Stainsby

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