> My name is Svetlana Baiborodova. I am a chairwomen of Samara branch of
> Russian Association of the Workers Trade Union "Defense of Labor", a member
> of Coordinating Commitee of the All-Russian Campaign in Defense of Acting
> Labor Code, an editor of weekly Left.ru ("Left Russia"): http://left.ru.

I am sure we'd all want to welcome Svetlana to this list. It is very good to
establish cordial relations with Russian leftist and working class organisations. I
hope that she will play an active part in our discussions. When comrades honestly
and sincerely strive to understand each other's positions, and diligently seek to
explain and analyse differences, much can be achieved. But to begin by attacking the
moderators is not helpful. Rather than begin with a discussion of personalities and
of list policy, I think it would be more useful if Svetlana informed the list about
the activities of her organisation in Samara, and about its viewpoint and arguments,
and also if she asks any questions she has about the political orientations etc of
other people on the list. Then we can hope to find some common ground, or anyway to
understand one another better.


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