Yoshie wrote:
> Putin, by co-opting anti-Semitic & anti-liberal rhetoric widespread
> in Russia, can coopt the themes of "socialism = the modern form of
> Russian patriotism" as well.  The CPRF has only itself to blame,
> since it's happy with the role of the loyal opposition.

On the contrary, Putin has been at pains to publicly oppose anti-semitism. For

Source: NTV International, Moscow in Russian 1800 gmt 18 Sep 00

[Correspondent] Vladimir Putin is the second Russian president who have
opened a synagogue. The first was Boris Yeltsin, who was present at the
consecration of a chapel on Poklonnaya Gora [Great Patriotic War memorial
in Moscow]. Today Putin took part in the opening of a Jewish community
centre - the largest in Eastern Europe. First, the president was invited to
have a look inside - the community had a lot to be proud about. Apart from
a synagogue, the seven-storey building will house a library, a gym, a
cinema, an Internet-cafe, a huge kosher restaurant and offices...

[Correspondent] Putin spoke briefly, but passionately, saying that the
times of state anti-Semitism in Russia are gone forever. He ended on a more
personal note.

[Putin] I met Gennadiy Khazanov [popular Jewish stand-up comedian] today
and we had lunch together. He told me a good joke. It goes like this: a
Jewish family man walks about his home stark naked, save for his tie. His
wife asks him indignantly what does he think he is doing walking around
like this. To this, the man says can't he just take it easy in is his own
home? OK says the wife, I suppose you can. But must you wear a tie? Well,
the man says, what if we get visitors? [laughter] And I think now that we
have this community centre opened, we can all take it easy, take our ties
off and enjoy ourselves because this will be a meeting place for everybody...

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