For Rad-Greens: Any movement built on anti capitalist environmentalist issues that
leaves this behind *again* will be useless and bound to fail. Make the links and make
the alliance.



The proposal to create the FTAA extends a process of imperial
globalization that began in 1492 and continues yet.  Once again the
geopolitical map of the Americas is about to be redrawn in ways that
violate the titles, treaties and basic human rights of the hemisphere's
First Nations.  The FTAA continues the genocidal tradition which began
with the founding of New Spain, New England, New France, New Netherlands
etc as jurisdictions based on the absorption of Indian lands, usually
without Indian consent.

Again and again the map of America has been redrawn in Europe on the
assumption that the hemisphere's Indigenous peoples are inferior and
subordinate and have no fundamental right to a say in deciding what
happens on First Nations lands and territories.  This process began when
the Pope apportioned the Americas for Spain and Portugal.  It continued
with the founding of the USA as an engine of genocidal western expansion.
The Treaty of Paris which granted the USA its original land base in 1783,
the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, the absorption of the northern part of
Mexico into the USA in 1848, the USA's purchase of Alaska in 1867, the
transfer of the land titles of the Hudson's Bay Company to the Dominion of
Canada in 1869, and the creation of the Noth America Free Trade Area in
1993, all were negotiated as if the hemisphere's Indigenous peoples didn't
exist. Now the ministerial gathering in Quebec City points to the prospect
of yet another redrawing of the map of the hemisphere with the creation of
what is being called the Free Trade Area of the Americas.  Such an illegal
imposition on all the hemisphere's citizens projects into new
jurisdictional frontiers the Columbian Conquests which began in 1492.

The USA's notorious violations of its 400 or so treaties with Indigenous
peoples shows that the world's only remaining Superpower has no respect
for the sanctity of treaties and for the requirements of living within the
framework of international law.  The USA added to its notorious reputation
in 1871, when the American Congress passed a law excluding the American
government from the international juridical principles as they then
existed.  From that time forward the USA has been an outlaw state in terms
of its failure to respect even the limited requirements of international
law mandating the purchase through treaty of Aboriginal title before
non-Aboriginal settlement can proceed.

The events leading up to the Trail of Tears as well as the country's
horrific genocides make the USA one of the world's most grievous
perpetrators of that genre of international crime which has recently been
labelled "ethnic cleansing." The founding of the state of California as
the result of a particularly violent gold rush make that jurisdiction the
site of especially horrific crimes against humanity. The tradition of the
Indian wars continued into recent times with particular severity in the US
backed reign of terror directed against Mayan peoples in Guatemala.  As
Nobel Peace Prize Rigobertu Menchu has clarified, this ruthless genocide
against her own peoples was aimed at destroying the Indian way of life.
Until those violations are addressed in appropriate venues for the
arbitration of international crimes against humanity, there is no reason
for Indigenous peoples, or, for that matter, any other people throughout
the Americas to have trust in a new treaty creating a FTAA.  Such a treaty
would violate hundreds of earlier treaties made with First Nations peoples
throughout the Americas.  Such a treaty which would formalize the USA's
hegemonic dominance in a hemisphere bathed with Indian blood in the
ongoing Columbian Conquests.

>From April 19-21, the Huron Reserve in Quebec City, the current capital of
Wendake, will be the site of an alternative summit to highlight the many
issues in and around the relationships of Indigenous peoples throughout
the Americas to the proposed FTAA.  The meetings will take place at Salle
Kondiaronk on the Huron reserve at Loretteville. This community is
situated about eight miles from downtown Quebec City.  This announcement
includes a request for proposals for presentations, presenters and panel
discussions of relevance to the idea of the FTAA as a violation of the
basic human rights of all the hemisphere's citizens, but most especially
of the First Nations. This alternative summit can be the site of a wide
array of discussions, including those pertaining to environmental, labour
and women's issues. The gathering will be in the tradition of the freedom
fighters in the Zapatista movement in Mexico.  In 1994 the Zapatistas
announced their resistance to the North American Free Trade Agreement by
asserting Indian jurisdiction over parts of Chiapas. Basta!

Tony Hall,
Department of Native American Studies,
University of Lethbridge, Alberta Canada

Linda Sioui,
Wendake Nation,
Village des Hurons, Quebec City

Macdonald Stainsby

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