I'm glad Mac posted this Panitch artcle (presumably the intro essay to a recent Soc
Register, publication detalils WOULD be welome) and I think that L-I has a raison
d'etre as a site dedicated to high-level theoretical debate about the state, and how
we analyse and conceptualise it within the process of developing revolutionary

I would like to propose that we resolve different schools of thought into a
schemata. This article is part of the MR/SR school/tradition of
non-soviet/anti-stalin critiques of the state and capital in the Baran/Sweezy
tradition of anti-leninism (another anti-lenin tradition is that of Paul Mattick,
shading over into Lucien Goldman and the autonomist/Tony Negri school which for eg
Tahir Wood follows, is Tahir on l-i btw?)

If we can agree to some admittedly arbitrary scheme then we can try to sharpen
up/deepen our understanding of these different 'schools' thru further debate,
elaboration etc.

The link Mac gave goes to Martin Shaw's pages. Here he discusses NLR, Perry
Anderson, Peter Gowan etc. I have on file a huge (and I mean big) file of papers on
the state + capital by these and otthers which i can put into a zipfile if anyone
wants to get it.


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