En relación a Re: [L-I] The legacy...part 1,
el 29 Jan 01, a las 14:54, Louis Proyect dijo:

> Speaking of Africa, I am midway in Bill Freund's "The Making of
> Contemporary Africa" which I highly recommend. His attention is focused on the
> need to transform African agriculture, which is a point that might be lost on
> certain Marxists who see socialism solely in terms of the need to develop heavy
> industry or who assume that it is the role of third world countries to supply
> coffee beans for their morning fix at Starbucks.

The agrarian question is THE question in the third-world, for the same reason
that the national question is THE concrete expression of third-world status.

Through land ownership of their local allies, the imperialist powers not only
make sure that those allies are powerful enough against the mass of the
population. They also use that land ownership to transform agrarian production
in a production that will openly compete with the nutritional necessities of
the local masses. Thus, a mass of landless proletarianized army of reserve (or,
in very particular situations, of urban residents without access to industrial
jobs) is an immediate outcome of the situation. This mass is one of the basic
grounding points for extraction of extraordinary surplus value. And, what is
imperialism about if not extraction of extraordinary surplus value?

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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