
Top Cheney Team Member Represented
Marc Rich for 8 yrs.


Vice President Cheney's own chief of staff argued
vehemently for clemency on behalf of fugitive financier Marc Rich for many years, 
according to The New Yorker magazine.

Lewis Libby, before joining the Bush White House
to work for Cheney, spent eight years as one of Rich's "most aggressive lawyers" and
argued his case before Manhattan U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White as recently as December 
1999, according to the magazine.

"This might help to explain the contented silence
from the Bush White House on the subject of Bill Clinton's pardon of ... Rich," the 
says. Mary Matalin, Cheney's communications director,
said when asked about Libby's role in seeking a Rich pardon: "He was part of
the team that represented Rich, but I don't think he wants to talk about the 
particulars of
the case. We're moving forward, not looking back."

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