Hi fellow Leo enthusiasts,

I am playing with unit testing some of my python code.

I created two buttons: test and run-all-tests. The code is as follows:

=== test ===
import leoTest
leoTest.doTests(c, all=False)
=== end test ===

=== run-all-tests ===
import leoTest
leoTest.doTests(c, all=True)
=== end run-all-tests ===

The "test" button works as expected, but run-all-tests produces
the following output in the Log pane:

exception executing script
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'v'
  line 1270:         return (
* line 1271:             p1.v == p2.v and
  line 1272:             p1.stack == p2.stack and
  line 1273:             p1.childIndex() == p2.childIndex())

I am running the latest code from bzr.


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