On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 2:53 PM, Ville M. Vainio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Attached is a setup.py that "almost" works.

Note that "setup.py develop" does work.

I.e. if you run that and launch "python
c:\python25\scripts\leo-script.pyw", leo is launched properly.

"develop" means "use the leo in the source code location as the global
leo package", which means it uses the package directly from bzr branch
- which is probably what the developers will want, as opposed to
running "setup.py install" every time you want to try it out.

Ville M. Vainio - vivainio.googlepages.com
blog=360.yahoo.com/villevainio - g[mail | talk]='vivainio'

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