On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 5:29 PM, Edward K. Ream <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Now it's easier than ever to add *quick* notes with leo. ILeo knows of
>> "special" leo file ~/.ipython/ipython_notebook.leo, which is opened
>> automatically when you..."launch leo" without specifying a .leo file to open.
> This is a clever idea.  Iirc, it would actually be possible to make
> the default .leo file be a user option.  That is, opening the first
> file happens after Leo reads configuration options.

Actually, even if I say so myself, opening a "default" leo file is a
very good idea. Tk file select dialogs suck (for "save as"), and many
users can get by with just a single leo document to 'hold their
notes'. Now we even have a good place for it (~/.leo/default.leo or

In the beginning, it could contain a node with simple instructions
(like the emacs *scratch* buffer).

Again, defaults matter here - most users will never find the feature
if it's an option, and the whole idea is to deliver the goods "right
now". It doesn't make much sense to make it configurable - it's just
as easy to create a shortcut that opens leo with an arbitrary file in
the file system.

Or it may be that I'm just lazier than most leo users ;-)

Ville M. Vainio

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