On Nov 16, 8:25 pm, "Edward K. Ream" <edream...@gmail.com> wrote:

> When the format method is written, we would replace::
>     print(z.sd.dump_ast(z.tree()))
> by:
>     print(z.format())
> but that is just "syntactic sugar".  And rather than printing the
> "raw" AST tree shown above, format will print it as it would look in
> the actual source file.  It will take a bit of work tomorrow...

The first draft of Context.format was::

    def format(self,brief=True):
        cx = self
ast.dump(cx._tree,annotate_fields=True,include_attributes=not brief)

This produces output such as::

Assign(targets=[Attribute(value=Name(id='self', ctx=Load()), attr='c',
ctx=Store())], value=Name(id='c', ctx=Load()))

Call(func=Attribute(value=Name(id='self', ctx=Load()),
attr='beginCommandHelper', ctx=Load()), args=[],
keywords=[keyword(arg='ch', value=Str(s='')), keyword(arg='undoType',
value=Name(id='undoType', ctx=Load())), keyword(arg='w',
value=Attribute(value=Name(id='self', ctx=Load()), attr='w',
ctx=Load()))], starargs=None, kwargs=None)

This is just a squished version of the ast tree.  Alas, ast.dump has
no option to reproduce the tree's source. It's a big hole in the ast
class, imo.

But there is no use complaining.  Early this morning I started work on
the AstFormatter class, yet another AST traversal class. It's coming
along nicely.  Here is format's present output corresponding to the
dumps above::

    self.c = c
    self.beginCommandHelper(ch='',undoType=undoType ,w=self.w)

In other words, format is nearing completion. There are a lot of picky
details to handle, however: the formatter must generate code for
virtually all AST nodes.  In addition, the present code adds spaces
around all identifiers, so that constructions such as "a or b" don't
get turned into "aorb".  This can lead to too many spaces, as you can
see above. Eventually, format will beautify its result, perhaps using
Leo's token-oriented beautify-python code.

I expect to spend at least the rest of today on format and the
AstFormatter class.


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