thanx for all, i fixed the install probelm as:
$ brew install --with-demos-examples --with-debug-and-release qt
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/qt/4.8.0: 71721 files, 10G, built in 100.4 minutes

and self install PyQt-mac-gpl-4.9.tar.gz is all OK ;-)

of course homebrew had fixed the upgrade problem,
thanx for all again ;-)

2011/12/24 Ludwig Schwardt <>:
> Hi,
> Yes, this is a very irritating aspect of PyQt. Each time a new tarball of
> PyQt is released
> under, the old
> one is removed, breaking the homebrew script. This forces the homebrew
> maintainer to work with the latest PyQt version, which could take a while to
> iron out issues. I wish Riverbank would just keep the old versions in the
> same place.
> Let us know if the latest version of the PyQt formula mentioned in the issue
> below works for you.
> Regards,
> Ludwig
> "Zoom.Quiet" <> Dec 23 02:36PM +0800
> Issue as:#9246: pyqt error in 10.7 - Issues - mxcl/homebrew - GitHub

人生苦短, Pythonic! 冗余不做,日子甭过!备份不做,十恶不赦!

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