On Friday, January 6, 2012 3:40:26 AM UTC+7, Largo84 wrote:
> PortableApps version would be FANTASTIC!! I wish I knew how to make it 
> happen.

A couple of versions have been posted here already, including Terry's very 
simple sequence in the first message of this thread. Of course, we're only 
talking about Windows, but note that it works equally well either syncing 
with whatever tool (I favor Unison over SSH) or carrying around on an 
arbitrary-path'd external device, including flash drives (but they can be 

Here's my more robust (hence more complex) version, xx indicating your 
python version (mine is 27):

Use the normal .MSI, setup.exe etc processes to Install a clean "canonical" 
version of your "python dev stack" to say C:\PythonXX, reboot if needed, 
test thoroughly. Note any new environment variables pointing to your new 
binary locations.

Now create a corresponding PythonXX folder in your "PortableApps" location 
(I put it under "CommonFiles" along with GTK and Java) and copy everything 
from your installed location to the portable one.

You can then use the project-provided tools on the "master" computer to 
keep your binaries updated, and they will see any local Registry entries 
and the environment variables they created and operate normally wrt your 
installed location (e.g. C:\PythonXX).

If you have a local folder sync tool (I use Unison and WinMerge) you can 
add to/remove from/configure your Python environment from either location, 
otherwise just keep your installed location as the "master" and just copy 
the whole stack over each time you do so.

The whole PortableApps tree can then be sync'd/copied to any other 
desktop(s) you like, either over the wire or via an external device, and 
the latter can be carried for use in say an Internet cafe or client-site 

For use on those other computers, for running in portable mode, I use a 
"portable start menu" (PStart) which allows for its own "autolaunch" batch 
files, where I set some global environment variables to be used by 
app-specific launch batch files, including :

%Path% (I add my batch folder and a general utility/tools folder)
%HOME% (usually "E:\aasync\Data\H_HOME"
and a custom one called %h_pa%, which points to the root of my PortableApps 
parent (usually "D:\aasync\PortableApps")

Then for each environment that requires its own custom settings, I create a 
launch batch file that builds on that base. In the case of Python apps, 
here's an example that opens a CMD console window:

set PROMPT=$p_python$g
cd \aasync

I'm not sure which if any of the environment stuff Leo requires, but I 
figure it might as well have the same environment as my Python CLI, since 
I'll be testing shell integration, including iPython. In my leo-win.bat, 
the last three lines above are replaced with:

cd \aasync\PortableApps\leo-editor
start "" "..\CommonFiles\Python27\pythonw.exe" 
"..\CommonFiles\Python27\Lib\site-packages\leo-editor4\launchLeo.py" %*


Note this is more than the minimum you need to just run Leo - you could of 
course simplify it; for example, only set the environment variables Leo 
requires, or you could just set the master computer' installation routines 
to use a single location under PortableApps, but I prefer to keep them 
separate for testing purposes.

I hope you (and others googling this later) find this useful.

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