
El lun 23 ene 2012 01:18:48 COT, HansBKK escribió:
Thanks Offray for your detailed and informative response.

Well I'm enjoying also these talks with you. I think that putting documentation also in the center is required if we want to break the Leo's self-fulfilled prophesy about being a "ghetto tool" for programmers only and I want this in the best way.


I for some reason missed the MoinMoin's "simple page storage" option - thanks so
much for pointing that out. For all the reasons you cite, and most importantly
is much more mainstream, more actively developed and well-supported than Gitit,
I'll definitely give it a higher priority in my testing.

I enjoyed using MoinMoin for this project:


but at the end we could not intervene MoinMoin as much as we would like because of the server permissions, that why I started to look more integrated solutions of the development and deployment environment as web2py or seaside, but they're not wiki engines properly but web application frameworks (where you could build a wiki-engine if needed). But surely

     the "sub-optimal distopic world of everything is a file".

I personally disagree with your dislike for "everything is a file" - I see that
principle as a fundamental part of the *nix tool philosophy, and IMO this is a
perfect example:

     I certainly think that a distributed off-line collaboration system for
     documentation is needed and, if MoinMoin can't

     support the use of distributed wikis (and seems is not planned or in 

To my mind, any wiki platform that can store the page data as plain text (as
opposed to binary/database), in a format suitable for diff tools ("light" markup
as opposed to html/xml) can make use of whatever VCS for 

You're right and I like the idea of "everything is a something" when that something is powerful unifying idea. That's the case with Unix's "everything is a file" or Smalltalk's "everything is an object" (in Unix you have also every tool makes one thing and makes it right, combined with pipes). For me these two paradigm's were the ones that, in 70's, were fighting for the mind share about computer experience of today and both of them won in a dystopic way, but for me "taking genius to understand Unix simplicity"[0], was even more dystopic. When you're trying to empower users the impedance between development and deployment shows the dystopia, at least compared with the original visions, so most of the "end users" cant change the tool that changes them, so, someone else is making decisions about that changes and that users.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy#Quotes

I like the simplicity of light markups and I try myself of not using explicitly nothing as xml and I like also the idea of the light markup being used by VCS tools. That's not where dystopia lies. The problem is not about files or structure but about "meta-structure" (structure talking about structure, as in meta-languages), specially self-referential meta-structure, because self-referential meta-structures are the key for self-directed change, as opposed with change directed by others. When you see how the "world of everything is a file" talks about itself, there is a lot of impedance and discontinuity between source code, binary, apps and docs and there is a long path for the user who is confined to using apps to create docs, but never change the apps that could let she/he to change his/her writing and that's why I want to use Leo this semester with non-technical writers to explore the way that writing change the tool that writes and not only the human who does.

For me a unified emergent meta-structure in the world of "everything is a file" is where lies the power of Leo. You can use an outline to change the way that Leo behaves and that's why having the Leo's self-referential meta-structure is more powerful that the "dystopic world of everything is a file" (in that world you don't have meta-structure, only structure, mostly for storage purposes and the intelligence to read/process it is mostly outside the file, in the human reader, the compiler or the binary). What Leo does is to create self-referentiality in the world of everything is a file by introducing outlines that can talk/structure the files and that can talk about outlines, i.e outlines that can talk about files and about themselves and can reprogram the way Leo itself works, and so Leo is bridging the gap between objects and files in a valuable and unique way. But we need still to improve, specifically we need a more elegant way to talk about that files, specially about their changes in time, because is in that change where talking with the distopic world has more problems and possibilities, and that way I'm making the Fossil/VCS experiment and also.

Wow I think that this is the first time I have the opportunity to write (curiously in English instead of my native tongue) about that dystopy, because most of the time I just talk about this with my students or friends but not as detailed and contextually, so thanks for bring this up Hans, and thanks everyone else here who is still reading :-)

     On a related matter one of the problems I see with actual server technology
     is its gigantism which concentrates
     power in the people who has the resources, knowledge and time to possess,
     understand and administer/intervene this technology so a Global South Test
     for me about which server technology to choose is: "it runs from a USB 

IMO "server" is a function, not a question of scale or complexity - the better
question for my workflow is "does the app run portably?". I personally find
actually running stuff from flash drives too slow and data-dangerous.

I'm agree with you. Server and gigantism have not to be equal, but unfortunately in the "dystopic informatic world" (where the previous dystopia is just a part) they're most of the time. Portability is the key, not flash drives. In my context they're just a medium to ask the same as you, but also a way to let people take the technology with them, no matter if they have access to a "classical" server.

So far I've found that anything that runs under Linux is inherently portable in
that sense.

Agreed. Having Leo + Fossil + Laptop ( ;-P ) gives me some kind of portability, but we need more. That's why I think that we need a self contained version of Leo with a default discourse about file flat world change in time (at least for Windows), but ideally would be nice to have something like the self-contained multiplatform Pharo's One Click Experience[1]

[1] http://www.pharo-project.org/pharo-download

     This, for example, favors Web2py/Smalltalk instead of Zope and Fossil
     instead of GitHub.

I haven't any experience with these others, but note that Git does not = GitHub.
I share your dislike for server/storage platforms out of my direct control, not
least for privacy/security issues for many use cases. If I used Git for data
distribution I wouldn't use GitHub, and my understanding is that even "Git for
Windows" is already fully portable.

Oohh I don't make myself clear, sorry. Fossil compared with GitHub was not because of the equivalence of Git and GitHub, but because of the integration of web characteristics of GitHub in Fossil (wiki, tickets, web interface and so on).

For myself, I think mercurial would be a good fit, but my main point is that any
moves toward a "distributed Leo" should IMO be VCS-agnostic, just as my plans
for enabling community editing of Leo-managed content will be wiki-platform

I fully share your opinion on that subjects, but in this case I want to start by some specific implementation from which one start to abstract that to think abstractly without any particular implementation in the road, which is not your case, I just point to different implementation strategies based on the same agnosticism/diversity as a valuable thing to preserve.

To me, the key enabler for that is "everything as a file". . .

For me the enabler is self-referential meta-structure



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