2013/10/21 Matt Wilkie <map...@gmail.com>:
> One of the more interesting sightings of "Leo in the Wild" I've come across:
> http://zoomquiet.org/
> Though reading Chinese would be useful to uncover just how Leo is involved!
> (Zoom has participated on the list before, perhaps this mention will
> persuade him to elaborate? ;-)

- thanx for across me
- "Leo in the Wild"
    - the Wild i guess means : just wild usage, never touch Leo resource code
    - yeah! exactitude, that is me ;-)
- i usage Leo from 2004, base 4.2
    - but untill Leo 4.3, almost one year late
    - Leo break into my coding life
    - because , after long time try and try, finally, one blink opened my brain
    - i understanded :"What is Literate Programming"
- that feeling is so magic! so u creaded wiki for sharing it:

- and try to tell people, how the Leo can make Programming Literated

as slides:

as records:

- also publish words:
full version:
the publish version:
《程序员》7月刊: 我的工具箱
"programmer" the bigest tech magazine of China, the words had
published 2010 Jul.

of course, as most Chinese peogeammer
    - i usage Leo begin windows NT->2003
    - 2006 as Ubuntu
    - from 2011 finally jump into MAC OS X 10.7

- so yes, i'm "Wild user of Leo"
- now i almost base Leo write every thing:
    - code (py,js,css,xml...)
    - words
    - slides (rst2s5)
    - blog (rst or md)
    - PKM (personal knowledge manage)
    - ...

BUT! in fact ,make more and more guys usage Leo is hard things, because:
1. Literate Programming/Editing/Writing is can not understanded, must use out!
2. Leo can not usage as Team!
    - whatever @file/@shadow
    - after through DVCS(hg/git/bzr etc.)
    - Leo can not perfect merged others fixed into myself Leo node tree !

so i just can try and try, call on people feeling Leo and Literate Programming
can not make them happy and enjoy Leo in everywhere...

through here:
maybe discovered, i try to translat Leo's doc:
but that is alwasy can not configed ok for Shpnix...
so sad for me.

人生苦短, Pythonic! 冗余不做,日子甭过!备份不做,十恶不赦!
KM keep growing environment culture which promoting organization be learnning!
俺: http://about.me/zoom.quiet
许: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/cn/

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