2013/10/22 Zoom.Quiet <zoom.qu...@gmail.com>:
> 2013/10/22 Edward K. Ream <edream...@gmail.com>:
>>> 2. Leo can not usage as Team!
>>>     - whatever @file/@shadow
>>>     - after through DVCS(hg/git/bzr etc.)
>>>     - Leo can not perfect merged others fixed into myself Leo node tree !
>> I assume you meant that there are problems using .leo file with teams.  See:
>> http://leoeditor.com/FAQ.html#leo-in-shared-environments

thanx EKR recommendation doc.
- but somethings tooo simple ;-(
base above 5 years PI(process improvement) experience in China
- i found whatever the new tools/sys. sooo wanderful
- the staff never accept recommend/suggest/command ..
- unless the most teammater all use the new tools/sys.
that means in team, there is always someones use Vim/Emacs/VS/Subl ... etc.

so under this kind of normal background, i can not found right way to
usage Leo !-(
in fact we need point how to fixed the only problem:

How to support Leo user can work with own organizer nodes in Team?

of course, the problem had difference background:
1. the Team is all Leo user
2. the Team is only one Leo user
3. the Team is some Leo user

base doc suggest:
- @nosent and @auto all nonutility for all conditions in team
    - because can not support own organizer nodes, Leo is same VS!

- @shadow is good for the condition 2
    - but realy can not perfect merge others fixed into own organizer nodes!
- @file also good for the condition 2
    - but for others, @file export so many external comment
    - is very surliness, and often broken by people.

- for others conditions
    - because @shadow can not generate different .shadow file from
different .leo
    - so that means Leo users can not with @shadow coordination

so? conclusion is Leo just only self usage, can not cooperate with team?


人生苦短, Pythonic! 冗余不做,日子甭过!备份不做,十恶不赦!
KM keep growing environment culture which promoting organization be learnning!
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