2013/10/26 Edward K. Ream <edream...@gmail.com>:
> On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:09 PM, Zoom.Quiet <zoom.qu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Huuuu?! in my eyes, this flow just clone from git work flow?
>> - cleanness files ~= work space
>> - cache ~=stage index
>> - shadow ~= local repo.
>> - .leo ~= remote repo.
> I don't know enough about git to comment.  Anyone else want to try?
- Huuu, pls. ignore it...
- though one night, i get new understand:

Leonard always face Leo:
    - whatever usage @file/@shadow
    - shring SCCS forever is sentinels file
    - and begin working ,must:
        - bzr/hg/git pull and merge local sentinels file
        - and usage read @file, merge into Leo node tree
    - HOOKs for Leonard just fixed:
        - base clean file or shadow, gen. sentinels file
        - and the reverse

Nancy alwasy face clean files:
    - but in fact shring SCCS forever is sentinels file
    - and begin working ,must:
        - bzr/hg/git pull and merge local sentinels file
        - and the HOOKs for Nancy, base sentinels file through @shadow
algorithm gen. clean files
    - HOOKs for Nancy just fixed:
        - usage @shadow algorithm base the cached sentinels file
        - merge local clean files gen. new sentinels file

so the local cache is the key problem:
- Invisible for Nancy
- Available for SCCS
- Natural fro Leo

Mnnn... just usage .leo dir?

人生苦短, Pythonic! 冗余不做,日子甭过!备份不做,十恶不赦!
KM keep growing environment culture which promoting organization be learnning!
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