2014-02-12 21:33 GMT+08:00 Edward K. Ream <edream...@gmail.com>:
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 2:56 AM, nakedmind <eric.medina.atie...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> This is related more on @file than on @auto. Please bear with me if i'm
>> being too persistent but looking at the outline metadata embedded in an
>> @file node's external file, it got me thinking if it's possible to store
>> those sentinels in the parent node with additional information on which line
>> in external file they apply.
> The short answer to all such ideas:  @shadow and @auto, in their very
> different ways, are the best that can be done.
> The problem isn't saving the data that Leo users create, the problem is
> doing *without* data that isn't created by non-Leo users.  Without the
> missing data there are only two options:
Aha! i see !
- @auto want fixed the great big problem, load non-Leo users's code!
- so remember i suggest u and guido the project?
    yinwang0/pysonar2 https://github.com/yinwang0/pysonar2
- the pysonar2 can base static analysis realy understand the Py code means
- but, i think the difficulty is not base syntax load code into nodes
    - that is realy as Leo-style
    - load code into sections nodes

BUT, just as now EKR usage as @auto
- do right the first load non-Leo users's code into Leo
- is enough ;-)

> 1.  Shoehorn additions (from non-Leo users) into an existing outline.
> That's what @shadow does.
> 2. Parse the new additions.  That's what @auto does.
> Edward

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