On Wed, 18 Jun 2014 14:50:57 -0700 (PDT)
Fidel N <fidelpe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all. I found yet another "LEO" software, this time is a Machine
> learning software. I will call the other one LEO, and ours is 'Leo
> editor'
> I wanted to post it here because I found it very interesting.

That is very interesting.  I use CMapTools occasionally when I want to
analyze a problem.  I would say a concept map is something more than a
mind-map, which has a set tree structure.  Freemind is the mind-map
software most widely used, I used it before switching to Leo.

Cheers -Terry

> LEO is a mind-map-like structure that learns from data and transforms
> it into concept maps. (That is one of the projects, its also used
> like a normal concept map, same as Leo editor). But its funny that
> they also called Leo to an outlining tool.
> Then they use that for machine learning, and for e-learning, for
> classes with people.
> Here 
> <http://books.google.es/books?id=KXO9AQAAQBAJ&pg=PA31&lpg=PA31&dq=learning+environment+organizer+LEO&source=bl&ots=8RUA5kE60I&sig=7SB9UsGgnibbsxY2BBpVWKGghqg&hl=en&sa=X&ei=XwSiU7v9Boap0AWV14HICQ&ved=0CHoQ6AEwDg#v=onepage&q=learning%20environment%20organizer%20LEO&f=false>is
> an article about it, here <http://cmap.ihmc.us/>is an example concept
> map developed with it. Another here. 
> <http://cmapskm.ihmc.us/servlet/SBReadResourceServlet?rid=1064009710027_1637638703_27098&partName=htmltext>
> I bet they spent much time trying to build a structure that is
> probably far less capable than Leo editor for that purpose.
> They develop static nodes, Leo nodes are dynamic.
> Well hope someone finds this interesting, I sure did.

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