On Sat, 21 Jun 2014 03:43:08 -0700 (PDT)
Fidel N <fidelpe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I just made two scripts for importing from MindJet and Freemind.
> I really think those two should be in the menu "File -> import ->"
> Because when a new user comes to Leo, he most likely comes from any
> other of the most famous outliners (IE freemind or mindjet).
> So it will feel very good to import their mindmaps with two clicks. I
> know for sure I would have loved it.



Cheers -Terry
> For importing your MindJet mindmap, first you have to export it to
> CSV, using the following options:
> - Select the 'outline' layout when exporting
> - Tick all the options but the 'inlcude topic properties'
> Now you are ready to import your mindmap to Leo with this script.
> Copy it and paste it into a node, replace the path with your mindmap
> path, and execute the script (with the hotkey control + B):
> #Your currently selected node will be replaced with the outline you
> are importing.
> #Replace the path with the path of your file:
> file_path = 'D:/exmample/mymindmap.csv'
> max_chars_in_header = 80 #Nodes with more characters than that (or
> with line jumps) will be inserted as bodies instead of as header.
> exported from MindJet. When exporting, make sure you:
> # - Use the layout "outline"
> # - Tick all the options but "inlcude topic properties"
> import csv
> def get_row_level(row):
>     count = 0
>     while count<=len(row):
>         if row[count]:
>             return count+1
>         else:
>             count = count+1
>     return -1
> def get_row_string(row):
>     count = 0
>     while count<=len(row):
>         if row[count]:
>             return row[count]
>         else:
>             count = count+1
>     return None
> reader = csv.reader(open(file_path))
> initial_level = c.p.level()
> last_created_level = c.p.level()
> last_created_node = c.p.copy()
> for row in list(reader)[1:]:
>     new_level = get_row_level(row) + initial_level
>     get_row_string(row)
>     if new_level > last_created_level:
>         last_created_node =
> last_created_node.insertAsLastChild().copy() last_created_node.b =
> get_row_string(row) last_created_level = last_created_level+1
>     elif new_level == last_created_level:
>         last_created_node = last_created_node.insertAfter().copy()
>         last_created_node.b = get_row_string(row)
>     elif new_level < last_created_level:
>         for item in last_created_node.parents():
>             if item.level() == new_level-1:
>                 last_created_node = item.copy()
>                 break
>         last_created_node =
> last_created_node.insertAsLastChild().copy() last_created_node.b =
> get_row_string(row) last_created_level = last_created_node.level()
> for p in c.p.unique_subtree():
>     if len(p.b.splitlines())==1:
>         if len(p.b.splitlines()[0])<max_chars_in_header:
>             p.h = p.b.splitlines()[0]
>             p.b = ""
>         else:
>             p.h = "@node_with_long_text"
>     else:
>         p.h = "@node_with_long_text"
> c.redraw()
> If you are coming from Freemind, you just have to export your
> freemind mindmap into html, then use this script.
> Copy and paste this script into a node, replace the path inside it
> with the path where you have your mindmap.html file, then run the
> script (hotkey control + B)
> #Your currently selected node will be replaced with the outline you
> are importing.
> #Replace the path with the path of your file:
> file_path = 'D:/exmample/mymindmap.mm.html'
> max_chars_in_header = 80 #Nodes with more characters than that (or
> with line jumps) will be inserted as bodies instead of as header.
> html, then you can use this script.
> import lxml.html
> global outline_dict
> outline_dict = {}
> global count
> count = 0
> def element_to_node(parent_node, element ):
>     global count
>     global outline_dict
>     count = count+1
>     my_actual_count = int(count)
>     if len(list(element.iterchildren())):
>         # if
> len(list(list(element.iterchildren())[0].iterchildren())):
>         outline_dict[str(my_actual_count)] = {}
>         outline_dict[parent_node]['children'].append(str(my_actual_count))
>         if len(list(list(element.iterchildren())[0].iterchildren())):
>             outline_dict[str(my_actual_count)]['string'] =
> list(list(element .iterchildren())[0].iterchildren())[0].text
>         else:
>             outline_dict[str(my_actual_count)]['string'] =
> list(element. iterchildren())[0].text
>         outline_dict[str(my_actual_count)]['children'] = list()
>         if len(list(element.iterchildren()))>1:
>             for child in
> list(element.iterchildren())[1].iterchildren():
> element_to_node(str(my_actual_count),child)
> htmltree = lxml.html.parse(file_path)
> root = htmltree.getroot()
> body = root.findall('body')[0]
> outline_dict[str(0)] = {}
> outline_dict[str(0)]['children'] = list()
> outline_dict[str(count)]['string'] =
> list(list(body.iterchildren())[0]. iterchildren())[0].text
> outline_dict[str(count)]['children'] = list()
> for item in list(list(body.iterchildren())[1].iterchildren()):
>     element_to_node(str(0), item )
> #Up to here, the script was for importing into a dict. Now we export
> that dict into nodes:
> def add_children_as_nodes(node_id_to_add, parent_id):
>     global outline_dict
>     for node in c.p.unique_subtree():
>         if node.h == parent_id:
>             my_parent = node.copy()
>     newchild = my_parent.insertAsLastChild().copy()
>     newchild.h = node_id_to_add
>     newchild.b = outline_dict[node_id_to_add]['string']
>     for child_id in outline_dict[node_id_to_add]['children']:
>         add_children_as_nodes(child_id, node_id_to_add)
> c.p.h = str(0)
> c.p.b = outline_dict['0']['string']
> for child_id in outline_dict['0']['children']:
>     add_children_as_nodes(child_id, '0')
> for p in c.p.unique_subtree():
>     if len(p.b.splitlines())==1:
>         if len(p.b.splitlines()[0])<max_chars_in_header:
>             p.h = p.b.splitlines()[0]
>             p.b = ""
>         else:
>             p.h = "@node_with_long_text"
>     else:
>         p.h = "@node_with_long_text"
> c.redraw()
> And there you go, you just got your most loved mindmaps in Leo!
> Just one thing to add, you are only importing the text /data of your 
> mindmap, not the formats, colors, or media!

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