Leo's plugins manager can and imo should dispatch events registered to a 
plugin *only *to commanders for which the plugin is enabled in an 
@enabled-plugins node.

This would make @enabled-plugins nodes work like all other settings.  Not 
enabling a plugin in a local (per .leo file) @enabled-plugin node would 
disable that plugin *for that outline* even if the plugin is enabled in 
myLeoSettings.leo or leoSettings.leo.

In practice, the plugins manager would dispatch an event registered by a 
plugin to a commander only if the plugin is actually enabled in the 
commander.  Events would be dispatched as always.  For example:

def onCreate (tag, keys):

    c = keys.get('c')
    if c: << do something >>

The only difference is that this event handler would be called only for 
outlines in which the plugin was enabled.

There might be unforeseen difficulties, but I plan to experiment with this 

Your comments, please, Amigos.


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