i try make very simple Tk app. as:tiny_tk_frame.py

but can not import Chinese
- base any IME, there always accept the english code, not the chinese
- of course,i can capy chinese into Entry()

IDLE and tkinter with Tcl/Tk on Mac OS X | Python.org
i installed ActiveTcl
and brew info tcl-tk
homebrew/dupes/tcl-tk: stable 8.6.4 (bottled)

This formula is keg-only.
Tk installs some X11 headers and OS X provides an (older) Tcl/Tk.

so now, my Tk app.
can not running ...

Humm ,i guess Tkinter just call the system Tcl-Tk commands,
so there is more than one verion Tcl-Tk
means path chaos?

so how to fixed it?

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