On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 5:31 AM, Kent Tenney <kten...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Any interest in uA default format being text instead of pickle?


The code that reads and writes uA's to .leo files is mind-boggling complex.
Any change would constitute a major change to Leo's file format.  The
benefits are tiny because of the str_ convention, discussed here

    Leo does *not* pickle members of inner dictionaries whose name (key)
    starts with str_. The values of such members should be a Python string.
    This convention allows strings to appear in .leo files in a more

Any plugin can use str_ keys in their inner dictionaries, even if they do
not do so at present.  Transitioning to string keys is easy. The plugin
would first look for new-style keys (starting with str). If none are found,
the plugin could look for old keys.  Also, the plugin could look for a
str_version key, and use the presence or absence of the key to look for
old-style or new-style keys.

Automatic pickling of uA's has some advantages. Any object that can be
pickled can be "reconstituted" automatically.


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