I have been using leo for a while and find it great to import and 
reorganize a python script.
However, when I import a perl file into a node, no subtrees are created, 
only the node containing all the script content.
1. The @language is properly set to perl, so I guess leo knows this is a 
perl file. I don't think this is the normal behaviour when importing a perl 
script. Am i correct about this? Is anybody using leo-editor for perl?
2. I try to see the LeoPyRef.leo for this importation functionality, the 
only thing seems related is leoImport.py, am i going the right direction?
3. There is a folder named modes, within it there is a perl.py, I guess 
this is the very script relating to "read" a perl script into leo-editor. 
In it, there are a lot of functions, so there must be a way to use these 
functions, why i cannot use them?

Please, give me a clue, any help will be appreciated....

Because GFW, I may not respond in time. Actually, this is my first post in 
google group, thanks for shadowsocks.

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