On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 2:11 PM, Richard Twyning <
service.management.addr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ​
> I'm very new to Leo and I think I'm trying to do something similar to what
> was asked in this post.

​I've just re-read this thread.  It doesn't seem to come to any firm
conclusions.  I'll try to do better here...​

I'm trying to use Leo to create batch files.  The release number has to
> repeat throughout the file.  How can I store it in a header node and
> reference it from a sub node?

​Suppose you have lots of files, each of which has a version number that
should be updated in sync.  Here are your options, as I see it.

1. The simplest way, if it works, would be to define a section node
containing the version.  Each file would reference this node using
cross-file clones. I'm not sure why this wouldn't work.  Have you tried
it?  Feel free to ask questions if this precis isn't clear to you.

2. Next, I would consider writing a script.  It would traverse your
outline, looking for a (regex) pattern.  If found, it would substitute the
version directly into each file, while retaining the original pattern for
future use.  Clear?

3.The valuespace plugin might work.  I don't know.

4. Don't bother requesting ​changes to Leo's code to support this.  It
won't happen.

All comments and further questions are welcome.


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