Hello Edward,

much of my work involves editing LaTeX files, but I do have to work 
together with others. I tried Leo's @shadow and @thin nodes, for minimal 
interference, with mixed success. The main problem is the way Latex uses 
multi-file input.

As you may remember, the way the rst plugin automatically translates the 
Leo hierarchy into headings came from a tiny piece of code I once 
contributed. So, naturally I also thought about creating a latex plugin 
with automatic hierarchy translation to headings. That would work well as 
long as the Latex file is one single, large file. 

Most people writing large Latex documents break them down into different 
chunks and then glue them together with \input. That's where the problems 
start with using Leo: Leo would have to recreate the same file structure in 
order to work well together with others, but that would mean one @file 
statement per .tex file. These @file headings do not necessarily correspond 
to the document structure. The \input can appear anywhere in the text. An 
\input may correspond to a new (sub-)section but it also may not. Not every 
heading will have a corresponding \input either. The Leo tree therefore 
will not only contain section headings, but also @file nodes corresponding 
to \input statements and not necessarily corresponding to the document 

Also, one must find the master tex file in order to see the complete 
hierarchy. Since the files may be distributed over different directories, 
the importer would have to be told about the master file and would then 
have to look for all the \input statements recursively (and ignoring 
commented out \inputs).

I don't know how to solve this problem yet.

- Josef

On Wednesday, 12 April 2017 17:35:21 UTC+2, Edward K. Ream wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:10 AM, Largo84 <lar...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Hmm, not sure how that would work. It might be relatively easy to invoke 
>> such a script when setting up the node at first, but what happens if/when 
>> you decide to move the node and its level changes? 
> ​The situation is much like the rst3 command. I envisage invoking the 
> script manually whenever you change the source tree.  That would at least 
> be a good prototype.
> Edward

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