On Sun, 7 Jan 2018 15:20:42 -0800 (PST)
tscv11 <tsc.v...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just so you know:
> Adding "c.__ = {}" to main seems to have fixed the problem.

Makes sense.

> I tend
> to get discouraged easily and I was unfair to Leo!

Leo is Python.  It's large and complex and complicated in places, so
potentially a challenging learning environment, but things like the
above are ultimately Python questions.

> I'll post to github
> soon - any pointers for using Leo and git together? Also, why no
> response to my questions about the plugin documentation, etc.?

I'm not really familiar with Leo's plugin writing docs.  I usually just
use a recent plugin as a template, but the docs. would certainly be
worth checking out - see how they correspond to other plugins when you
compare them.

Cheers -Terry

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