> I've been using outliners as PIMs ever since Dave Winer invented ThinkTank 
> <http://outliners.scripting.com/thinkTank2Pc.html> at the beginning of 
> the 80s, in between More, Agenda, Ecco, Freemind, MindMapper, and others, 
> and then TheBrain for more than a decade now. As a PIM, nothing comes close 
> to TheBrain. TheBrain has been used by Britannica and the World Economic 
> Forum.
> Try to manage 500,000+ items (nodes/thoughts) plus 45 GigaBytes so called 
> attachments (notes, images, links, tables, movies, PDF files, EXE files, 
> etc.), capture links, screenshots, texts, folders of your file system by 
> drag&drop, access local files, your network, or the Internet with just one 
> click, rearrange, regroup any number of items visually and ad hoc, retrieve 
> everything almost instantaneously. Try all this using Leo or 'yet another 
> mind mapper'. Edward made a sound assessment: Leo has its place, but not as 
> a superior PIM.
> It's the scaleability and ease of use that sets TheBrain apart.
> Having clones when you use an outline is nice. Not having the need for 
> clones is better when you can link any item to any number of parents. 
> TheBrains's structure is not a DAG where every node has but one parent but 
> a network, where any node can have any number of parent, child, and 
> 'sideways' links and even circular connections.

You say that like it's a good thing ;-) 

> There's a large public brain of a long time TheBrain user: Jerry's Brain 
> <https://www.jerrysbrain.com/>, that's often used to showcase TheBrain. 
> Try to do something like this using Leo.
> Thanks for links. I had a look at Jerry's Brain, and I like the program 
even less...

The "mindmap" interface has been around for almost as long as the tree 
interface, and the tree interface is ubiquitous, but the "mindmap" 
interface is not. Yes, thebrain is a powerful version. But the problem is 
the interface itself. 

1. There is a lot of noise. For example, the placement of a node and the 
length and shape of a string has no meaning. In a tree interface child 
items form a list.
2. There isn't any way to treat the nodes as data, including displaying 
node collections as tables and charts. 
3. There is no metadata for nodes, nor could it be added, since nothing can 
be done with the metadata, at least not in the mindmap interface itself.

I wanted to reply to this sooner but some of the features Iacking in 
thebrain hadn't been added to LeoVue yet :-)

BTW, clicking on a like on Jerry's brain took several seconds to display, 
maybe that was just a glitch. 



> Cheers, and happy new year!
> Reinhard
> (Disclaimer: I'm not connected to TheBrain company in any way.)

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