thanks vitalije for the instruction. much appreciated. 

On Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 4:00:21 PM UTC+7, vitalije wrote:
> You can try the following:
> def get_child_headlines(c, address):
>     return g.recursiveUNLSearch(address.split('-->'), c)
> You can find nodes even faster if you know their gnx (you can obtain a gnx 
> value by using p.gnx or v.gnx). 
> def get_node(c, gnx):
>     return c.fileCommands.gnxDict.get(gnx)
> def get_body_and_headline(c, gnx):
>     v = get_node(gnx)
>     return v.h, v.b
> I assume that you have obtained the address of the 
> node "IT-->Leo-->Writing Plugin-->Display Message" by copying it from the 
> status line in Leo window. If you want to copy gnx of some node you can do 
> this using the following script.
> This script you can make a button of it and then when you want to copy gnx 
> of some node, just select it and click the button.
> HTH Vitalije
> On Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 9:07:44 AM UTC+2, Austin(Xu) Wang wrote:
>> I realized  get_headline ("IT-->Leo-->Writing Plugin-->Display Message") 
>> is with no sense..
>> What I want is:
>> - get_child_headlines ("IT-->Leo-->Writing Plugin-->Display Message")    
>>   # return a list of headlines for each child node.
>> - get_body ("IT-->Leo-->Writing Plugin-->Display Message")                
>>        # return the body text
>> On Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 12:46:07 PM UTC+7, Austin(Xu) Wang wrote:
>>> Dear Leo User,
>>> I want to access the headline and body of a specific node inside that 
>>> file using the leoBridge interface.
>>> Is it possible to get the body and headline from the path of that node?
>>> For example, for one node with headline "Display Message":
>>> /Users/wangxu/Documents/Leo/austin.leo#IT-->Leo-->Writing 
>>> Plugin-->Display Message
>>> Is it doable to implement function:
>>> - get_headline ("IT-->Leo-->Writing Plugin-->Display Message")
>>> - get_body ("IT-->Leo-->Writing Plugin-->Display Message")
>>> Please guide me on this..
>>> BR,Austin

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