Xavier recommended using Discourse instead of Google Groups for Leo 

* I think it would really great for our community if we moved our 
> discussions to a real modern forum like Discourse 
> <>,
> as Python and many other communities have already done.*
> *This post from the Python forum 
> <> 
> gives 
> some explanations of the particular benefits/features of Discourse, though 
> it is in response to someone comparing it to a simple mailing list.*
> *But some of the greatest features that they don't mention there which I 
> think would really benefit our community are:*
>    - *Easy refactoring of forum threads! Moderators can easily move 
>    off-topic posts to a new thread, so the current topic can be kept focused, 
>    without losing any contributions. This is for me a feature that sets 
>    Discourse apart from any other forum software (and I've looked at many).*
>    - *Easy creation of polls!*
> *Though there are probably many more that I even yet don't know.*
> *I stongly feel that we have to move forward as a Team and Discourse could 
> be a game changer in many ways.*

Myself, I've had a good experience with Discourse elsewhere and would be 
happy to use it. (Some of the initial badge notifications are a bit 
excessive and noisy but that disappears quickly). The browser editing 
experience is excellent. Refactoring of threads would be awesome.

I see two major challenges:

(a) Free hosting for open source 
<> projects 
must be applied for and is reviewed on a case by case basis. Leo has a 
small community so might not fit "*a tool to host discussion at scale". *Self 
hosting would cost ~$60 USD/yr + setup, and someone would need to commit to 
maintaining it for the long haul.

(b) The Google Group has a lot of history and is a major resource when 
answering questions. I wouldn't want to talk about things in one place and 
research in another. There is conflicting info on whether the free hosting 
supports imports (I've asked 
for clarification).


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