Hello Edward,

I tried to find out, if I can enable 'auditing/ tracing' for Leo in order 
to 'visualize' the run-time behavior of Leo Core ...

I started with something, that I thought should/ would be an easy starting 
point: I tried to audit/ trace what happens, when Leo opens an empty 
outline in a PyVE using:

* (Leo) PS C:\Users\Viktor\PyVE\PyPI\Leo\Lib\site-packages\leo\core> 
./runLeo.py --trace=plugins ~/empty.leo

The result (Log-001) was not that helpfull. - Am I missing something?

With kind regards,




Leo Log Window
Leo 6.0-final
Python 3.7.4, PyQt version 5.13.0
Windows 10 AMD64 (build 10.0.18362) SP0
current dir: C:/Users/Viktor/PyVE/PyPI/Leo/Lib/site-packages/leo/core
load dir: C:/Users/Viktor/PyVE/PyPI/Leo/lib/site-packages/leo/core
global config dir: 
home dir: C:/Users/Viktor
reading settings in 
reading settings in C:/Users/Viktor/.leo/myLeoSettings.leo
loadOnePlugin: loaded: leo.plugins.plugins_menu
loadOnePlugin: loaded: leo.plugins.mod_scripting
loadOnePlugin: loaded: leo.plugins.viewrendered


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