On 10/7/19 3:23 PM, Brian Theado wrote:
> You interpreted SegundoBob's request differently, than I did. I was
> thinking he didn't mind that the duplicates are there (and maybe prefers
> it?), just that he wanted the displayed links go to the separate
> instances of the clones.

Brian is right.  Edward, I think your fix does not fix the problem.

The title given the code is misleading.  Yes, it displays the parents of
all the occurrences of the selected cloned node, but the clickable links
are intended to jump to each occurrence of the cloned node.

I think this is the most reasonable and useful design.  The user is
interested in all the occurrences of a cloned node, not in the parents
of these occurrences.  The parent headlines are displayed because these
are the most likely to be distinct identifiers of the occurrences available.

Segundo Bob

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