On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 7:07 PM Félix <felixgra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> (mini update for those following this vscode extension : Still working on
> leo integration into vscode I'm currently re-doing the clone/insert/delete
> functions to my satisfaction for the 3rd time before making a release to
> the master branch hopefully in jannuary!)

That's good news.

> How would I go about intercepting entries to the log pane in leobridge?

The g.es function in leoGlobals.py writes to the log pane. In the end, it
writes to app.log.

You will probably have to set up app.log so it writes to your log.

Aside: g.es has accumulated a lot of cruft. It might be best to start with
the simpler version in leoAst.py. To do that, you would likely have to
monkey-patch g.es.

HTH. Please feel free to ask more questions.


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