On Monday, February 24, 2020 at 8:51:40 AM UTC-5, Thomas Passin wrote:
> On Monday, February 24, 2020 at 8:22:56 AM UTC-5, Edward K. Ream wrote:
>> Excellent. Working code (or in this case, a working outline), is worth 
>> gazillions of words and requirements :-) Much easier to understand.
> Often, yes, but a good set of requirements can help you to keep your eye 
> on the ball so you end up with what you intend.  Of course, if you don't 
> know that, then no requirements can help you! 

I suspect *my* overly long posts and attachment files`stirred the mild 
consternation over "gazillions of words" moreso than yours, Thomas.  And 
indeed, this process has helped me a lot to sharpen up my concepts.  When 
the time comes for me to bring up more of my wish list I will seek to be 
more concise about it. I reckon I have hitherto felt I need to justify and 
sell my ideas, not just define them. Perhaps I don't need to do that, or 
maybe just learn to do it concisely.  

I still think Leo and Zettelkasten are a natural fit, and that Leo can 
significantly enhance the functionalities and value of Zettelkasten.  Thank 
you kindly, Edward, for supporting the project.

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