On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 8:11 AM Edward K. Ream wrote:

>  leoInteg's colorizing code will likely use an LSP. The LSP can be
written in python, which means a repackaging of Leo's existing colorizing
code may be possible.

Yes, Leo's LSP *could* be written in python, but that may not be the
easiest way. Leo's LSP will likely delegate most coloring to vs-code's
default colorizers for the @language in effect. This would likely be
easiest to do in ts.

Leo's LSP would (sometimes!) break body text into chunks consisting of a
range of lines to be colored by the same language, with only *Leonine lines*
(lines containing Leo directives and section references) being colored
using syntaxes/leoBody.tmLanguage.json.

*It should be possible to avoid re-calculating chunks on every keystroke*.
After all, existing vs-code colorizers almost certainly do not re-tokenize
the entire file on every keystroke. Figuring how to avoid this
recalculation is next on my study list.


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